Saturday, November 30, 2013

fuzzy memories of foster care

My foster family used to pimp me to strangers but they never came right out and said that was what they were doing, and they always got the money beforehand, so it always seemed to be that strange men were abducting me, drugging me, and doing anything they wanted to do to me sexually, and then dropping me in front of my house. i never questoned how they would know where i lived because i was always too fucked up on drugs and liquor. they used all kinds of things on me. liquor shots, jello shots, pills of all kinds, laughing gas kept on my face for hours at a time, shots of unknown origin, pieces of paper placed on my tongue that made the world funny for ten hours or more.....and always i was the sex slave, always i had to call them daddy, always i had to open my mouth wide and swallow the salty warm, sometimes throat stinging stuff that shot from huge beige and pink and brown hoses that they stuffed down my throat until i choked and gagged, and when i did gag they laughed and pushed them farther. i was always so sore on my bottom andbetween my legs for days after and i didn'tknow why. but my foster family always had new things afterwards. and they began to homeschool me. one of my classes was about how to smoke cigarettes properly. another was about sucking on carrots and bananas. i didnt understand why i had to know how to do that. but i knew  if i didn't do it i would get beaten with the belt every day for a week.

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